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Financial Statement Assurance and Insurance: Experimenting with Modified Models

Jade 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM


Prof Sandra Van Der Laan
Professor Of Accounting
The University Of Sydney

Financial Statement Assurance and Insurance: Experimenting with Modified Models


"Auditing is intended to instil trust and confidence in the representations of companies, however, there are many examples of corporate failure and misstatements that have cast doubt about audit effectiveness. Despite this, there has been only tinkering at the edges of a model that has persisted for centuries that is based on conflicted relationships. This has led to a focus on audit quality by legislators, statutory bodies, the profession and the public to find ways to modify the current model to ameliorate compromises that are inherent in it.
This paper presents the results of a Stated Preference Experiment (SPE) that considered participant preferences in respect of modifying the current financial statement audit (FSA) model or adopting a more disruptive approach by modifying a Warranty and Indemnity Insurance (W&II) model to replace FSA in an effort to improve audit quality.
This study finds that while most participants believed modifications were necessary to the current FSA model, adopting a disruptive approach is only favoured for companies with less financial market impact. Notwithstanding the greater support for a modified FSA model, limited support for a modified W&II model demonstrates the idea is worth pursuing."


Sandra van der Laan is a professor of accounting at the University of Sydney. She has formal qualifications in accounting, finance and education. Sandra's research interests lie in accounting in two broad strands of research. The first centres on accounting as a social discourse and accounting as a mechanism to discharge accountability. As such, she has been researching in the areas of social accounting and accounting for death. Sandra's second strand of research relates to the regulation and reporting for corporate groups. She has published her research in a number of top-ranking international journals such as Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Accounting History and Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Sandra has, as part of a multi-disciplinary team, been successful in gaining a large ARC Linkage Grant (valued at approximately $700,000) examining the role of accounting and accountants in sustainability reporting with linkage partner CPA Australia. Sandra has also been awarded grants to pursue her research from CPA Australia, the Institute Chartered Accountants of Australia, AFAANZ and ACCA.


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Daniela Juric
Lecturer/ Beta Alpha Psi Faculty Advisor
Monash University
