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Who is doing the heavy lifting in environmental protection? From the perspective of the political theory of regulation

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Monday, July 1, 2024
2:35 PM - 2:50 PM


Dr Sammy Ying
Senior Lecturer
The University of Newcastle

Who is doing the heavy lifting in environmental protection? From the perspective of the political theory of regulation


We use the political theory of regulation to explore whether environmental regulations affect state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) differently. We argue that SOEs and non-SOEs face different regulatory risks from the introduction of environmental regulation, which leads to different environmental performance and economic consequences. Leveraging the staggered introduction of 56 cleaner production standards (CPSs) in China between 2003 and 2010, this study utilizes a difference-in-differences design to investigate how these CPSs impact SOE and non-SEOs differently in their environmental performance and economic consequences. We find that the positive effect of CPSs on firm environmental performance is greater for non-SOEs than SOEs, and this positive effect of CPSs on firm environmental performance in non-SOEs is weakened by political connection and corporate philanthropy. We also find that non-SOEs experience greater negative effects of CPSs on access to bank loans, firm investment, and financial performance than SOEs. Taken together, our findings suggest that using command-and-control regulation to address environmental challenges entails economic consequences, and non-SOEs, especially those not closely linked to the government, do the heavy lifting in environmental protection, not SOEs.


Sammy Xiaoyan Ying is a Senior Lecturer of Accounting at the Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle, Australia. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in International Accounting from Macquarie University. Her main research interests are in areas of corporate reporting, professional behaviour, business ethics, and corporate social responsibilities. Her research has been published in renowned academic journals including Accounting and Business Research, Accounting and Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Journal of Business Research.


Yuyu Zhang
Senior Lecturer
Queensland University of Technology
