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Corporate Environmental Violations and Dividend Policy

Crystal 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
11:50 AM - 12:15 PM


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Mr Pappu Kumar Dey
Phd Student
The University Of Newcastle

Corporate Environmental Violations and Dividend Policy


This study examines the association between corporate environmental violations and dividend policy. Environmental violations negatively impact stock returns and substantially impair the reputational capital of the offending firms. We posit that violating firms adopt a higher dividend payout policy as one of the strategies to regain investors confidence and market reputation. In line with this conjecture, our findings evidence that environmental violation is positively associated with accused firms dividend payout. Our findings remain robust with several alternative tests including the Entropy Balancing test, alternative measures of environmental violations and dividends, and additional controls. These findings may assist policymakers and regulators in assessing existing policy effectiveness and developing targeted strategies comprehending violating firms approaches after the revelation of environmental wrongdoing.


Pappu Kumar Dey is a PhD candidate in Accounting and Finance at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He earned his second master’s degree in Economic Policy from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan, and completed his BBA (Hons) and MBA degrees in Accounting and Information Systems at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. With over seven years of experience, he taught accounting and finance courses at Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh. Pappu is deeply passionate about archival research, with a focus on the interplay of accounting and financial economics. His research interests extend to corporate sustainability, corporate environmental and social responsibility, and their disclosures and performance.


Charlene Chen
Senior Lecturer
Macquarie University


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Janice Loftus
Head, Accounting Discipline
University of Adelaide
