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Market Value Effects of Integrated Report Readability and Tone

Jade 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
10:20 AM - 10:35 AM


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Dr Md Amir Hossain
Associate Lecturer
Western Sydney University

Market Value Effects of Integrated Report Readability and Tone


Integrated reporting (IR) holistically integrates material financial and non-financial information concisely and cohesively to provide value-relevant information to capital providers. This study examines the effect of integrated report readability and tone on the market value of equity. Using 2,707 firm-year observations from 2011–2018 across 41 countries, we find that a more readable and optimistic tone in integrated reports positively affects the market value of equity. These effects are more pronounced in stakeholder-oriented countries, countries in which the official language is not English, and countries with greater financial opaqueness. Furthermore, the information content of integrated report readability and tone is positively associated with the market value of equity. Given that firms have been gradually adopting IR practices to create sustainable value, the findings of this study are of significance to regulators, standard-setters, policymakers, the International Sustainability Standards Boards (ISSB), Value Reporting Foundation (VRF), investors, and firms.


Dr Amir Hossain is an Academic in Accounting at the School of Business, Western Sydney University. He earned his PhD in Accounting from the University of Newcastle, Australia. Dr Hossain’s research interests span capital markets, cost of capital, carbon emissions (CO2) disclosures, sustainability disclosures, integrated reporting, and corporate governance. He has published scholarly articles in the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR), Accounting and Finance (A&F), the Australian Accounting Review (AAR), and a book chapter on climate change. Before his current role, Dr Hossain was a Lecturer in Accounting at the University of Newcastle, where he taught accounting courses at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. Dr Hossain’s primary teaching areas are Financial Accounting and Management Accounting. His teaching portfolio includes Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial and Management Accounting, Introductory Accounting, Financial Reports for Decision Making, Corporate Accounting Systems, Accounting for Decision Makers, and Accounting Practice.


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Tom Scott
Auckland University Of Technology
