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Small audit firms and technological change: motivation and resistance to technology assisted audit decisions

Jade 2
Monday, July 1, 2024
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM


Agenda Item Image
Dr Kirsty Redgen
Associate Lecturer, Accounting
University Of The Sunshine Coast

Small audit firms and technological change: motivation and resistance to technology assisted audit decisions


Decision support technologies, such as advanced data analytics applications, are underutilised by financial report auditors in small accounting firms. Much of this underutilisation can be understood with reference to technology acceptance models, however these models neglect some important factors specifically affecting auditors in small firms. This article, informed by thematic analysis of 22 in-depth interviews, argues that auditors in small firms perceive decision support technology as little more than a means to demonstrate their compliance with auditing standards.

The decision support technology used by auditors in small firms was found to be dominated by spreadsheet-based electronic audit manuals with workpaper templates. Use of advanced data analytics and visualisation tools was scarce. Therefore, this article calls for greater support for technology innovation in small firms, principally through increased communication, professional development and collegiality within the audit profession.

Building on the work of prior researchers, this research contributes to our understanding of how existing theoretical models regarding technology acceptance apply within the context of the audit profession, and responds to calls for research from the broader information system field. Findings indicates that technology use in small firms more closely aligns with UTAUT-2 (the second iteration of UTAUT) than with UTAUT.


Dr Kirsty Redgen (previously 'Kirsty Meredith') is an experienced Chartered Accountant and Certified Practicing Accountant. She has been delivering accounting courses at the University of the Sunshine Coast since 2012. Her research centres around audit technology, and contemporary assurance methodology. Kirsty has received awards for her work from distinguished accounting associations including AFAANZ, CPAA, and CAANZ. She has also published in many high-level journals and is a book author.


Eunice Khoo
Senior Lecturer
Australian National University
