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Are directors informed? Director differences, information flows and insider trading on the board

Jade 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
11:25 AM - 11:50 AM


Agenda Item Image
Dr Sander De Groote
UNSW Sydney

Are directors informed? Director differences, information flows and insider trading on the board


Board diversity has emerged as one of the leading governance themes worldwide. Prior research has identified that diverse directors often have less access to firm specific information compared to their non-diverse peers. These findings, however, are based on binary indicators of diversity rather than considering diversity as a function of a multitude of related facets dependent on the context in which individuals operate. We find that the information disparity between diverse directors and their peers is better explained by our aggregate measure of the distance. Directors who are more different from their peers in the context of the board realize lower abnormal returns when purchasing shares, are less likely to trade together with their peers and are more likely to be alerted to important information through public disclosure of their peers transactions. Our results offer a viable pathway to integrating traditionally diverse directors in existing boards and fully realizing the benefits of diversity by carefully considering the overlap between a diverse directors other characteristics and those of their peers.


Sander joined the School of Accounting, Audit and Tax as a Lecturer in April 2020. He completed his PhD at KU Leuven in Belgium and also holds a bachelors and master’s degree from KU Leuven. Sanders focusses on corporate governance, with a specific interest in the complex relations between company directors and the role of director behaviour in the firm information environment. His expertise lies in evaluation and quantifying determinants and consequences of individual behaviour in corporate boards. His interest is in assessing fairness in the firm information environment and in the treatment of different members of the board of directors. Sander studies insider trading using it as a measure of director diligence and ethics. His work has been published in Journal of Business Ethics, Auditing: a Journal of Theory and Practice, Decision Support Systems, and Accounting Research Journal.


Christiana Osei Bonsu
Australian Institute of Business


Jin Zhang
Senior Lecturer
Monash University
