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The Contagion Effect of Earnings Management through Board Interlocks

Crystal 1
Monday, July 1, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Jade 3


Prof Kai-Ting Nien
Assistant Professor
Yuan Ze University

The Contagion Effect of Earnings Management through Board Interlocks


This study investigates whether board interlocks, created when a director sits on the boards of two different firms, serve as a channel for the spread of earnings management behaviors. The abnormal accruals model proposed by Kothari et al. (2005) is used to measure the extent of earnings management, and the three-year diffusion period design suggested by Chiu et al. (2013) is applied to analyze the impact of board interlocks on earnings management behaviors. Furthermore, this study investigates whether the phenomenon of earnings management behaviors spreading via board interlocks differs when independent directors are involved in the interlocks. The empirical results indicate that there is a contagion effect for both high and low levels of earnings management through board interlocks. Additionally, this study shows that when independent directors are involved in board interlocks with firms exhibiting either high or low levels of earnings management behaviors, the level of earnings management decreases. This finding shows the effectiveness of independent directors in curbing earnings management when they are part of board interlocks.


Assistant Professor in the Accounting Discipline within the Management School at Yuan Ze University. Research interests include financial accounting, auditing, analyst forecasts, and the content of accounting information.


Sammy Ying
Senior Lecturer
The University of Newcastle
