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Financial Statement Complexity and Advertising Efforts

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Monday, July 1, 2024
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM


Prof Sumi Jung
Assistant Professor
Yonsei University

Financial Statement Complexity and Advertising Efforts


We study the relationship between firm’s financial statement complexity and manager’s advertising efforts to mitigate adverse effects of complex financial statements on the information environment. Employing a difference-in-differences model with the implementation of FAS 133 as a quasi-exogenous experiment, we find that firms significantly increase their advertising expenses when they face an increase in financial statement complexity. In our cross-sectional tests, we find that this increase in advertising is more pronounced for firms with (1) a smaller breadth of ownership, (2) managers with negative prospects, and (3) a larger share of retail investors. Collectively, our results suggest that managers use advertising as a means to mitigate the negative effects induced by complex financial statements.


Sumi Jung is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Yonsei University. Her main research interest lies in the empirical financial accounting including capital market research, voluntary disclosure, earnings management, executive compensation, political cost, labor market, and media. Her papers has been published in various journals including the Accounting Review, Financial Research Letters, and Economics Letters.


Solomon Opare
Senior Lecturer
Massey University
