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CEO Internal Alliance and Carbon Performance: International Evidence

Jade 3
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
2:15 PM - 2:40 PM


Dr Charlene Chen
Senior Lecturer
Macquarie University

CEO Internal Alliance and Carbon Performance: International Evidence


Our research, based on an international dataset, shows that when CEOs form strong alliances within their company, it tends to have a negative impact on how well the company deals with carbon emissions. This happens because the loyalty within these alliances often leads other executives in the company to follow the CEO's lead, making it harder for the company to make long-term investments that would improve its carbon performance. However, we found that in certain situations, like in developed countries or those with good governance, this negative impact is lessened. Also, companies with more diverse boards or led by older CEOs seem to be affected less negatively.


Dr. Charlene Chen’s research focuses on enhancing corporate governance and social responsibility through stakeholder monitoring and regulatory oversight. Her work has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, among others. Furthermore, her research has influenced national regulators and professional accounting bodies.


Zhongtian Li
Senior Lecturer
The University Of Newcastle, Australia
