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Training and Firm Performance

Jade 3
Monday, July 1, 2024
2:50 PM - 3:05 PM


Dr Jianlei Han
Senior Lecturer
Macquarie Business School

Training and Firm Performance


This study tests Resource-Based Theory (RBT) by examining the impact of training on firm performance. Using web crawling and textual analysis. We create a unique training variable measuring managerial attention to training. Our findings reveal that prioritizing training significantly enhances firm performance, surpassing the impact of education. We also explore the interaction between training and education, highlighting their complementary roles. We stress the importance of supply-side constraints on employee mobility, including factors like well-being and location preferences. Furthermore, we show that training's value varies with the competitive environment, being more beneficial in highly competitive product markets and for firms pursuing differentiation strategies. Overall, this study advances our understanding of RBT's boundaries and offers insights into how firms can strategically leverage resources for sustainable competitive advantage.



Agenda Item Image
Shunji Mei
Lecturer In Finance
University of Auckland
