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Long-tenured CEOs and firm performance: Too much of a good thing? Evidence from New Zealand

Crystal 2
Monday, July 1, 2024
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM


Assoc Prof Noor Houqe
Associate Professor
Massey University

Long-tenured CEOs and firm performance: Too much of a good thing? Evidence from New Zealand


Using a unique hand-collected dataset from listed firms in New Zealand (2000-2020) – a country that adopts the principles-based corporate governance regime, we investigate the relationship between CEO tenure and firm performance. We document a significant positive impact of CEO tenure on firm performance, implying the benefits of long tenure. However, our study further reveals a significant inverted U-shaped relationship between CEO tenure and firm performance, suggesting that such a positive impact can hold up to a certain threshold; after that, long CEO tenure can hinder firm performance. Our finding is robust to alternative measures and endogeneity tests and offers important implications for corporate governance policies and practices.



Agenda Item Image
Leonard Leye Li
Senior Lecturer
UNSW Sydney
