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The Emotionalization of Audit Reporting: How Auditors Experience Disclosure of Key Audit Matters

Jade 2
Monday, July 1, 2024
2:50 PM - 3:05 PM


Dr Simon Tan
Senior Lecturer
The University of Sydney

The Emotionalization of Audit Reporting: How Auditors Experience Disclosure of Key Audit Matters


How are auditors emotional states shaped by an emerging financial audit reporting methodology, how do auditors manage emotions accordingly, and how does the handling of emotions influence auditor effort and their perception of audit quality? This paper addresses these questions by examining the implementation of key audit matters (KAM) disclosure and its emotional impacts on auditors. Mobilizing the auditor comfort framework and the philosophy of discomfort advanced by Pezeu-Massabuau (2012) and utilizing interview data collected with twenty auditors in China, this paper reveals that KAM disclosure has altered the norm of audit reporting held by auditors, shaped their feelings at work, and urged them to reconfigure their comfort zone. Specifically, disclosing KAM has evoked mixed emotions. Auditors have accordingly sought to execute and document audit procedures relating to KAM in a way that is more in place and mobilize the support offered by comfort providers to handle various emotional states. These measures undertaken by auditors have not only allowed auditors to become comfortable with KAM disclosure, but also motivated them to exert more effort in the audit process, which they have perceived to have positive impacts on audit quality. This paper generates novel insights into the impacts of KAM disclosure on auditors, extends research emphasizing the affective dimension of audit practice, and sheds fresh light on the emotionalizing nature of public disclosure and its potential outcomes more broadly.


Simon Tan is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting at the University of Sydney Business School. Simon’s scholarly work has been published in highly-ranked international academic journals, including: Accounting, Organizations and Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, Management Accounting Research, and Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. Simon has also published two book chapters and a report for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants that funded a project for which Simon was the principal investigator. Simon is a Deputy Editor of Accounting and Finance. He sits on the editorial board of Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Research, and Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. Simon has also acted as an ad hoc reviewer for various academic journals, conferences, and the Chartered Institute of Accountants in England and Wales. Simon's research areas comprise: (a) The audit profession, audit professionals, audit firms, and audit practices' and (b) Accounting, sustainability, and natural disasters. Simon draws upon various theoretical perspectives in the social sciences, adopts a field-based and interpretive approach, and utilises mainly qualitaitve data, such as interviews and textual documents.


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June Cao
Senior Lecturer
Curtin University
