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Responses to initiatives for more female workforce participation in Saudi Arabia within the accounting profession

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Monday, July 1, 2024
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM


Dr Duc Phan

Responses to initiatives for more female workforce participation in Saudi Arabia within the accounting profession


Within the accounting profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, female Saudi accountants have encountered inequities for decades. One of the goals of the new vision of Saudi Arabia (2030) is to increase female participation in the labour market within the next 10 years. This study explores the journey women have experienced from the initial implementation of these reforms to the present, within the Saudi accounting profession. We start chronologically, from these womens university accounting studies to their eventual employment in the KSA accounting profession. We use the theoretical lens of neo institutional theory, using semi structured interviews with 32 participants to understand their insights. We found that both the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and the peak accounting body (referred to as SOCPA) have adjusted their policies to help encourage female participation in the accounting profession, starting at the university level through to the various employment stages. Our findings indicate that although Saudi organisations have started to provide equitable opportunities, gender inequality remains. Despite these new reforms, gender inequity remains unresolved to a considerable extent within accounting firms and smaller to medium sized private companies.



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Muhammad Kaleem Zahir-ul-Hassan
Associate Professor
Zayed University
