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The determinants of communication between the auditor and audit committee and its consequences for audit effort

Jade 2
Monday, July 1, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


Agenda Item Image
Prof Tom Scott
Auckland University Of Technology

The determinants of communication between the auditor and audit committee and its consequences for audit effort


Despite, auditing standards and academic literature emphasising the value of effective communication from the auditor to the audit committee there is relatively scant empirical evidence on its use. We use data from Korea, where communication from the auditor to the audit committee must be disclosed to provide new evidence on the determinants and consequences for audit effort of greater communication. Our results show client risk characteristics and governance are determinants of greater communication, and that communication is associated with higher audit fees and hours. There are differences across audit firms, and between written and face-to-face communication. Our results contribute to both regulators in terms of providing future guidance on communication, and to the developing literature on the determinants of auditor and audit committee coordination.


om Scott is a Professor of Accounting at the Auckland University of Technology. He teaches courses focused on financial accounting and auditing standards, with a particular focus on understanding the effect of accounting choice on business information. His research focuses on examining the intended and unintended consequences of changes in accounting and auditing rules and the usefulness of accounting information. He has published in several academic journals such as Accounting and Finance, Auditing, Australian Journal of Management, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, among others, and his research has received best paper awards, local media attention, and been presented at IASB/AASB research forums.


Greg Shailer
The Australian National University


Jean You
Phd Candidate
UNSW Sydney
