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Political Earnings Management: Firm Performance and Earnings Management in Congressional Elections

Jade 1
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
1:50 PM - 2:15 PM


Ms Yang CHEN
Phd Student
The University of Hong Kong

Political Earnings Management: Firm Performance and Earnings Management in Congressional Elections


We explore the links between House of Representatives elections, local firm performance, and financial reporting choices. Our findings reveal that firms strategically manage earnings upward when their representative campaigns for re-election. Consistent with accounting manipulation, this behavior is less pronounced in firms that are more constrained by the SEC, analyst scrutiny, and prior accounting choices. Consistent with political motivation, this behavior is more prevalent in firms that can extract more benefits from re-election (e.g., representatives are more senior, corruption is more common, more employees work at the headquarters, and local readership coverage is broader). This earnings management is also accentuated among firms that are actively engaged in corporate political activities (e.g., lobbying). Finally, political earnings management benefits both politicians and firms. Specifically, firms that adopt these reporting choices are more likely to receive subsidies and government contracts than other firms, and incumbents in their districts are less likely to lose elections.


I am Yang CHEN, a fourth-year PhD candidate from HKU, and supposed to be on job market this year. My research interests center on financial reporting, financial intermediaries, and political science. I am eager to contribute to the understanding of the interaction between firm and external stakeholders.


Erick Outa
Lecturer Finance
Charles Darwin University
