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Firm-level political risk and ESG controversies: International evidence

Crystal 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:25 AM


Mrs Duminda Karunarathne
Doctoral Candidate
University Of Otago

Firm-level political risk and ESG controversies: International evidence


This paper studies the association between ESG controversies and firm-level political risk. Utilising a sample of firms from G7 countries spanning the 2002-2021 period, encompassing 12,517 firm-year observations, we find a positive and significant relationship between firm-level political risk and ESG controversies. Our findings align with the moral disengagement perspective. We further identify that Paris agreement and global financial crisis moderate this relationship. Additionally, we report that the relationship is more pronounced in the absence of environmental initiatives. Overall, our study offers practical implications and contributes to the ESG and political risk literature.

Keywords: Firm-level political risk; ESG controversies; Moral disengagement theory; G7


Duminda is a doctoral candidate at university of Otago, New Zealand. Her research areas expand into ESG disclosure, ESG controversies and ESG assurance. She is also keen to explore ways to incorporate bio diversity concepts into her ESG research scope. Having served in the industry for 10 years before moving to academic research, she has hands on experience in how ESG concepts take action in number of industries such as maritime and sail making, manufacturing, FMCG, construction, engineering consultation and education service providing, where She is an associate member of CIMA UK , a member of CPA Australia, a student affiliate Chartered Accountants ANZ and a student member of AFAANZ.


Charlene Chen
Senior Lecturer
Macquarie University


Jennifer Zhao
Phd Candidate
The University of Western Australia
