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Management Faultlines and Cost of Bank Loans

Jade 1
Monday, July 1, 2024
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM


Dr Kerui Zhai
Deakin University

Management Faultlines and Cost of Bank Loans


We find that firms with stronger management faultlines incur higher loan spreads when accessing bank loans. Utilizing the two-stage path analysis, we show that management faultlines increase the cost of bank loans through heightened default risk and information risk. Further, the adverse effect of management faultlines on the cost of bank loans is mitigated when a firm has strong corporate governance or borrow from a relationship lender, and the effect is more pronounced during the financial crisis period with credit tightening. We also find that firms with strong management faultlines are provided with higher all-in-spread-undrawn and are more likely to be required of collaterals. Overall, our study highlights the economic consequences of management faultlines on debt contracting with implications for corporate governance.


Dr Kerui Zhai is a Lecturer in the Department of Accounting at Deakin University. Kerui has a PhD from the University of Melbourne, a Master of Commerce from the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University, a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Economics from Peking University, China. He has broad research interests in financial accounting and capital markets, including financial reporting, voluntary disclosures, financial analysts, and M&As.


Xing (Alex) Yang
University of Auckland
