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A critical evaluation of knowing: threshold concepts in accounting and ChatGPT

Jade 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
1:50 PM - 2:15 PM


Dr Nikki Schonfeldt
Senior Lecturer
The University of Western Australia

A critical evaluation of knowing: threshold concepts in accounting and ChatGPT


The launch of ChatGPT by OpenAI has caused waves across industries, revolutionising the way we interact with artificial intelligence and sparking discussions on the future of technology, ethics, and human-machine collaboration. Accounting educators must find innovative ways to integrate artificial intelligence text generators (AITG) into the accounting curricula and into their teaching practices. Large Language Models, such as ChatGPT, have the potential to support student understanding of complex disciplinary concepts in an interactive and engaging way. In this study, we contribute to the rapidly growing literature on the use of AITG in accounting education. Using threshold concepts in the specialised field of Business Combinations and Consolidations (BCC), we explore whether ChatGPT is a reliable source for knowledge creation (knowing that and knowing how) in accounting. When prompted to explain different threshold concepts in BCC, the AITG generated responses which demonstrated the ability to provide epistemic knowledge which may aid disciplinary understanding (knowing that); however, when prompted to apply procedural knowledge (knowing how), the generated responses were superficial and mainly incorrect. Our study finds that an AITG can be a useful learning resource when used in a controlled environment, but on its own, it is not sufficient to support student mastery of threshold concepts.


Nikki Schönfeldt is a Senior Lecturer of Accounting at the UWA Business School and a 2023 recipient of an Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. She is a Chartered Accountant with twenty years’ experience in university teaching and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. In addition to her AAUT Citation, Nikki has recently received other national teaching awards, including the MYOB 2022 Educator of the Year and the Accountants Daily 2023 Accounting Academic of the Year. Nikki actively participates in institution-level activities to further education matters, such as the Digital Learning and Teaching Advisory Committee and the Student Advisory Working Party looking at first year experience. She also co-leads the UWA Community of Practice for Active Learning and Flipped Classroom. In her teaching, she emphasises the use of industry-relevant tools and technologies to boost student employability. Her research interest is in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, focussing on digital learning resources and developing students' behavioural competencies. She has published in top disciplinary journals.


Feng Xiong
Associate Professor
Accounting Department, Xiamen University
