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What Promotes or Deters Segment Disclosure in Japanese Firms?: Anticipated Response from Capital and Product Market

Jade 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
10:05 AM - 10:20 AM


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Ms Yuriko Takahashi
Master Student
Hitotsubashi University Business School

What Promotes or Deters Segment Disclosure in Japanese Firms?: Anticipated Response from Capital and Product Market


This paper examines the relationship between factors that deter or promote disclosures and the quantity or quality of segment information in Japanese firms. Deterring factors are divided into proprietary and agency costs, while promoting factors include stock compensation and investor multi-nationality. The multivariable analysis with manually collected data demonstrates that the relationships between disclosure and these costs or motivations are divergent. Notably, proprietary costs sometimes have the opposite impact depending on the product market competition types. Regarding the promoting factors, stock compensation tends to deter disclosure, in contrast to the relatively insignificant impact of foreign investors. In addition, the interaction of both factors implies some indirect effects on segment information through other factors, although the results are inconclusive and unclear. These findings can contribute to the inconsistent literature on disclosure determinants by indicating a potential solution: considering their multiple aspects and interactive nature.


Yuriko Takahashi is a first-year master's course at Hitotsubashi University Business School in Japan. This is her first time to attend a conference and make a presentation.


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Tom Scott
Auckland University Of Technology
