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Does the involvement of component auditors in multinational group audits impact earnings announcement timeliness? Evidence from group audits in the U.S.

Jade 2
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
4:30 PM - 4:45 PM


Mr Anh Le
Research Student
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Does the involvement of component auditors in multinational group audits impact earnings announcement timeliness? Evidence from group audits in the U.S.


This study investigates the relationship between the involvement of component auditors in multinational group audits and management’s decision regarding the time to disclose earnings announcements. By examining the sample of U.S. multinational corporations for the period from 2017 to 2023, we find that the use of component auditors relates positively to earnings announcement lag. Furthermore, our empirical observations confirm that the proportion of audit hours conducted by component auditors increases the likelihood of firms announcing earnings after the audit report date. We further find that using affiliated component auditors increases the delay of earnings announcement as well as enhances managers' motivation to release earnings announcement after the audit report date. The research findings are consistent through a range of robustness tests. The outcomes of this investigation are anticipated to augment the growing literature on multinational group audits by enhancing our understanding of how the involvement of component auditors may affect the timeliness of earnings. This study aims to improve regulators’ understanding of how multinational group audits relate to the stock market and what regulatory changes can be made to solve the deficiencies of multinational group audits.
Keywords: Earnings announcements; Earnings announcements timeliness; Multinational group audits; Component auditors; Form AP.


Anh is a Master by Research candidate at the School of Accounting Information Systems and Supply Chain at RMIT University. Anh Le's research interests include audit reporting, financial reporting quality, sustainability reports, and earnings announcement behavior. His MRes investigated the relationship between the involvement of component auditors in multinational group audits and earnings announcement timeliness.