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Future Proofing Asset Management by Increasing Organizational Resilience Capability, Resilience Intelligence and Resilience in Asset Management Systems

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024
9:25 AM - 9:45 AM


Mr Michael Bilney
Enterprise Consultant, Global Senior Principal - Asset Management And Resilience
Stantec GS

Future Proofing Asset Management by Increasing Organizational Resilience Capability, Resilience Intelligence and Resilience in Asset Management Systems


Mr. Bilney has over 30 years of experience working for international organizations on enterprise risk analysis and management systems development, and climate risk and resilience assessment, improvement, and decision support. With climate and other risk projects in the US, Latin and South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia/Pacific, Australia, China, and Vietnam, he has worked on and managed projects in over 20 countries on 6 continents. He has provided dozens of risk and resilience presentations and training sessions to domestic and international audiences. He has worked for US Defense and Civilian agencies, including the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, the Department of State, NASA, NOAA, the Department of Energy, and the Australian Defence agency. He has worked extensively for domestic and international private sector clients, including railroads, manufacturing, Ports, oil and gas, nuclear materials management, and gold, uranium, molybdenum, and copper mines and mineral processors.

Session Chair

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Scott Bacon
Managing Director
Shield Assets Pty Limited
